At Piccolo we can work with you to find the right communication supports for you child.
We use a 'Total Communication' approach which means using the combination of communication methods that best meets your child's needs. In addition to verbal communication, other methods include; natural gesture, Key Word Sign, pictures, symbols, communication boards or books and speech generating communication devices. These methods are often referred to as 'AAC'.
New to AAC? Read below for more information
AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication and describes ways, other than using verbal language, that people communicate. This can include using gestures, signing, pictures, typing, communication books and communication devices.
AAC enables individuals to communicate to the best of their abilities; to express their needs and wants, to increase their independence, to share ideas and to actively engage with others at home, at daycare/school and in the community.
AAC can be useful for any child who has difficulty processing, understanding and using spoken language. This includes children who, during times of dysregulation, experience difficulty accessing their language system. AAC can often enable children to communicate more easily during these times.
Research has shown that AAC does not prevent talking but will often facilitate speech and communication. Children who use speech and AAC will always choose to use speech first, if they are able to, as it is often the quickest and easiest way to get their message across.
You can start using AAC at any age but the earlier, the better! There are no cognitive or other prerequisite skills for a child to start using AAC.
Every child is different and their needs will change over time. Some will need AAC for a short time, others may use it throughout their lives, some may only need it in some environments or contexts.
Discuss your child's needs and strengths with a speech pathologist who will guide you through the process.
Early communication supports for children with developmental delays and Austism
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